Welcome to Monty-UX

Discover a new era of personalized user experiences.

What Is Monty-UX?

  • Monty-UX is an AI-driven User Experience optimization tool.

    • It’s powered by cutting edge LLMs, and uniquely takes “Monte-Carlo” approach toward the discovery of old usability problems and new opportunities to perfect your presence online.

  • Monty-UX is designed to:

    • Uncover unseen UX challenges, broadening the scope of solvable "problems" on your site.

    • Reveal critical aspects of your app that resonate with users, safeguarding essential features while enabling teams to design and experiment everywhere else.

    • Segment users by product affinity, protecting user privacy while offering insights into key user behaviors and response patterns to design changes.

    • Passively detect and flag crucial website issues, providing data-backed insights and pre-packaged hotfix solutions. Monty-UX will never raise an issue without a clear fix in hand.

    • Make websites more accessible, more usable, and more personal to every user over time.

  • Monte-UX works to ensure your site is always running at 100%, helping you focus on the products and services that make your business great.

Monty-UX’s Core Site Improvement Loop

Step 1: Define key elements of your site, and use AI to consider and create alternatives.

  • A target website or app is disassembled, analyzed, and all component parts are labeled using cutting edge AI systems.

  • Following clear design standards and past feedback data, the LLM reconstructs the site, applying slight alterations to key user flows.

  • A queue of potential experiments is generated and labeled, highlighting how they differ from the current experience.

  • Each experiment is evaluated and ranked, ensuring it supports all site functionality before being sent off to the site owner for rewiew.

Step 2: Review past insights and greenlight future experiments.

  • Share past insights and propose experiments for experimental “greenlighting”/human-in-the-loop review.

  • With a site-owner’s ‘OK‘, recommended experiments are deployed to an experimental group for testing.

Step 3: Process tests to update user segment understanding. Refine model for further tests.

  • Analyze user response patterns across past tests in light of each experiment, isolating the nuances of each test and their effects.

  • Use these insights to refine user segmentation, and empower the model to hone-in on key areas for future development and testing.

Discover the Power of Monty-UX

  • Instead of expecting users to develop skills specific to the use of the complex, opaque, inaccessible, and often broken software systems that often sit at core of our daily lives, we believe all applications should be able to learn, adapt, and optimize themselves to engage their users, and support them in achieving their goals.

    Foundationally, we see this as an intuitive and inevitable next step in the development of software for the 21st century.

    To achieve this, the MonteUX team is committed to providing companies with simple, affordable tools to bring intelligent, personalized, adaptive user interfaces to every application or website on earth.

    Today, our systems focus on simplifying the process of building and running UX experiments to optimize a given platform. Long term, we’re creating Monty-UX as an engine tuned to anticipate user expectations, needs and goals, and dynamically reshape a site’s core UI to provide the necessary affordances, accessibility features, and design optimizations best capable of supporting that user at a given point in time.

  • We believe that great user experiences rarely come from stroke of inspiration, and an experiment where “success“ is the only option.

    With Monty-UX, teams can passively run novel feature-flights, collecting hard data on user interest and behaviors and responses to a proposed idea before ever calling in a data, design, or development team to help elevate that idea to the next level.

    Instead of putting critical resources toward blind shots in the dark, we hope to automate away that first step, empowering teams to invest more in their core product, and allowing analysts and designers to focus on deeper nuances and perfect systems and interfaces that users will truly love.

  • Join the movement towards user-centric design and discover the true potential of your software.

    With Monty-UX, you can provide your customers with unparalleled value and satisfaction, and passively ensure your experiences are always up-to-date with current trends, user-expectations, and needs.

    Let us help you create interfaces that inspire and empower, allowing your content, products or services to truly shine, and leaving the burden of usability and accessibility on our shoulders.

Revolutionize Your User Experience with Monty-UX

Note: Monty-UX is currently seeking early adopters to partner with us as we develop and refine our product.

To express your interest in partnering with us, please let us know your use-case and site traffic details. We are looking for sites with large and varied audiences, as they will help us improve our models faster.